Wednesday, September 1, 2021

The Battle of Malene, Sparta v Persia, 15mm Hail Caesar

 A couple of weeks after their defeat at the hands of the Spartans, the Persian army has re-grouped and grown in number. Savaging the land before them, destroying towns and temples as they advanced, it was no surprise to the Persians when the Spartans marched to meet them once again, just south of the Cythara Mountains by the small town of Malene. Here we go for another fictitious battle between the Spartans and the Persians. 

To add some uncertainty to the game I drew up a set of 12 random cards, each player was allowed to select one and use it to the benefit of their side. Dice decided that Ian and Phil would be the Spartans this time with Howard and myself playing the Persians. Deployment as in the photo's below. 

The card I drew allowed me to upgrade my General to a command level 9 which proved very useful in every turn of the command phase. Howards card stunted enemy shooting for one turn. Phil had a card that halved a command's movement by half for one turn due to marshy ground. Phil played the card in turn 1 as Howard tried to get his cavalry division forward. It paid off as Phil was then able to out manoeuvre Howard during his next turn. 

I sent my scythed chariot in to attack Ian's hoplites but his skirmishers blocked it, shot at it and then finally allowed one unit to be destroyed by mopping up the chariots attacks. 
Ian and Phil were trying to get their hoplites forward as fast as possible to avoid missile casualties but the marshy terrain in the table centre and some 'average' command throws prevented that. Phil was first to contact but he had been so shot up by the Persian troops that they were actually able to defeat the Spartan Hoplites. On both wings the clash of cavalry was also gradually going the way of the Persians. Then came the final big battle. Ian charged his 3 units of hoplites into my command of levy, Immortals and Sparabara. Ian had craftily worked on phalanx around my flank then got the command roll allowing him 3 moves as he declared his charges. 

My levy troops lasted 3 turns of melee before being shattered, despite being charged in the flank as well as the front. The Immortals by contrast routed after the first round of melee. Thus the Spartans, having cleared the flanks of cavalry then won the whole battle by causing my formed troops to rout. 
This was a really close fought battle and was swinging one way then the next until the final big hammer blow by the Spartans. Great fun was had by all.  

In other news Chris has completed his very ambitious build for the Townscape Challenge, look at this rather excellent 28mm scale Inn. Chris also plans to add stables and surrounding walls at some point. This will make a great centre piece of any village we put on the table for our games. Top marks to that man!

I also painted a few 28mm Vikings to add to my ever so slowly growing collection. 



  1. Looks like you all had fun. Do you use any specific rules or guidelines for a campaign or just go with what seems right?

  2. It is not a campaign, just putting a theme in to link the games. A campaign would be fun though.


28mm Macedonian Progress.

  With no game this week due to me being full of cough and cold I took the time to finish off basing a unit of 28mm Macedonian Cavalry that ...