Sunday, September 26, 2021


 I seem to be doing a lot of hobby reading and painting based around Vikings at the moment. Here is my latest creation, a 28mm Viking Warlord (Eric Bloodaxe) with a hand drawn/hand painted Raven/Landwaster Banner. I shamelessly borrowed ideas for the banner from the old Ian Heath WRG book on Dark Age troops and also the free banners you can download from Wargames Foundry. 

I first started painting 28mm Vikings in 1999 when I took advantage of a Wargames Foundry offer of a random box of 50 of their Dark Age figures for £20. 

28mm figures really have suffered from scale creep over the years. In the photo above, old Foundry figures, double based on 2 washers are at the front with a couple of more recent figures in the background towering over them. 
I also have some of the early Gripping Beast figures in my Viking Force, the banners here are also hand painted. 
Here is a photo of my Viking Warband so far, aimed at rules such as Blood Eagle, Lion Rampant (Dark Age variant), Ravenfeast etc... 39 figures painted in 22 years! (There are several more currently on the painting table making 2021 a very productive Viking year for me so far. 
I  am also trying to resist the urge to buy/paint up a 15mm Viking Army that could then be used for larger battles using rules such as Hail Caesar, TTS and with a few 'mythical' additions, Fantastic Battles. 


  1. That's a fun collection, and well painted.
    The scale creep though... must be 'bring your kid to raid' week.

  2. I think some of my earlier Vikings think they are really dwarves?


28mm Macedonian Progress.

  With no game this week due to me being full of cough and cold I took the time to finish off basing a unit of 28mm Macedonian Cavalry that ...