Saturday, June 13, 2020

A painting crusade.

I have been really enjoying painting 15mm figures for the Crusades for use with the excellent 'Soldiers of God' rules. Having only started the project mid-may I have been making good progress with 6 units, a command base and a base of baggage now complete plus a few palm trees. Here is a photo of the collection as of today...
I have painted figures for the Crusaders army so far but do intend to collect armies for both sides. There is a small, sample battle in the book and my aim is to collect all the figures needed for that game first and then build from there. 

You can also see I have been busy re-painting some of the cheap plastic palm trees and basing them up. I also daubed a few sand and earth colours onto a fleece throw I got cheaply from Boyes a few years ago. Gaming buddy Stig found these, I think is was £3.99 for a cloth over 5x3 foot, just large enough for a decent game in 15mm.
Robert De Sable leading his Templar Knights

My most recently completed units are the Museum Miniatures Templar Knights and some pilgrims (Essex, Outpost Wargames and Gladiator Games figures) plus the base of baggage.  All other projects seem side-lined for the moment as I concentrate on these. The big question is, how long will my butterfly mind be able to stay on task before I am off painting other stuff? 



  1. Thanks Martin, I am enjoying this project.

  2. Looking great. The palm trees and cliffs work well as a background too.

  3. Thanks Mister C, plenty more scenery to come, all in the planning stage.


28mm Macedonian Progress.

  With no game this week due to me being full of cough and cold I took the time to finish off basing a unit of 28mm Macedonian Cavalry that ...