Saturday, May 30, 2020

Soldiers of God.

So every now and then something will come along and throw a real spanner in your painting plans. There I was happily completing my 15mm Persian army upto 130+ points for 'To the Strongest', painting more Oathmark 28mm fantasy figures and looking forward to starting on my 15mm Macedonian army. There is also the 10mm Lord of the Rings project I am doing with pal Chris and... and...

I had intended to paint up two bases of these rather nice 'Z' range hoplites from Museum Miniatures to fight as mercenaries for my Persians but then distraction happened...

A chance, cheap purchase from ebay of an 'illustrated history of the Crusades' sparked an interest. This really took off when gaming mate Stig mentioned he had been looking at the 'Soldiers of God' rules which I too had been reading about, so we both decided to go for it. Stig already has quite large 15mm painted armies for both sides but they need rebasing for the new rules. However, suitably enthused we both sent off for quite large orders of 15mm figures. Stig uses the excellent Legio Heroica figures whilst I managed to get some second hand Crusaders from 'Colonel Bill (a mix of Outpost Wargames and Museum  Miniatures ) and a couple of orders from Fighting 15's, the old Gladiator Games figures. These are super little figures with quite deeply etched detail which seems to suit my painting style. 
 So I had to get a few more books to help with research. Plus I liked the look of the rules so much I also bought 'Soldiers of Rome' too. I can't wait to get some games in with both sets of rules, they are full of period specific flavour.
Happily I already have armies in 10mm painted up to use with these. 

Here is what I have painted for the Crusades so far...

Just in time for the end of May, my second order of 'Fighting 15's' arrived today so plenty to do but I do also want to finish the Oathmark units of Dwarf Spearmen and Goblin Wolf-riders. Let's see how I get on in June.  


  1. Thanks Martin, only problem is I have too many of them!


The Battle of Hedgeley Moor, 1464.

  There were three of us gaming today, pooling our figures to play the Battle of Hedgeley Moor scenario from the new 'Hail Caesar' W...