Monday, March 23, 2020

15mm Persians, a 15mm stockade and Corona virus.

 The Corona virus is creating worrying times for us all and whilst I am enjoying the increased hobby time I cannot help but worry for my family and friends, will we all still be here a few months from now? This is a very real worry. All we can do is to follow guidelines, be sensible, safe and carry on as best we can. 

So, with all planned wargames cancelled my main project at the moment seems to be 15mm ancients and the increased painting time has speeded up progress. Fresh from the painting table today are some Persian light cavalry and skirmishers.

Here are some photos of my Persian Infantry so far...there will be some Immortals to add to these soon. 

and I seem to have lots of Persian cavalry of various sorts... 

I have also built a classical period stockade from matchsticks and dowelling. This will suit either Greeks or Persians, I even have optional gates.

Stay safe everyone!


  1. very nice, just started my new 15mm, bedouin camel riders for Parthia

  2. Just seen your camels, very nice.


28mm Macedonian Progress.

  With no game this week due to me being full of cough and cold I took the time to finish off basing a unit of 28mm Macedonian Cavalry that ...