Sunday, April 5, 2020

Painting like a butterfly

Over the last couple of weeks I have enjoyed painting a real mix of figures from differing periods and scales. First I completed a unit of 15mm Immortals for my slowly growing Persian army. More Persian infantry, cavalry and command are queueing patiently to the side of my painting table. These are mostly the superb 'Forged in Battle' ancients. The two single Immortals will be used as heroes in 'To the Strongest'. 

I then dropped a scale to 10mm. These are mainly Copplestone Dwarves from North Star. Gaming pal Chris is to blame for these as we are now planning to fight large battles themed around Lord of the Rings, probably using our own tweaked version of GW's 'War of the Ring' rules. The archers are from GW's 'Battle of Five Armies' Warmaster range but with Copplestone command. After finishing painting these I looked to buy some more on ebay. I spotted one blister going for £75! No, I didn't buy them. 

Then, just to show how easily I am led astray, Steve started talking about 'Rapid Fire' for WW2 so out came some PZIV and a few German infantry to start building towards a Panzer Lehr division for Normandy, (I do have quite a bit of 15mm WW2 stuff already completed). I decided to paint a mdf ruin to go with the figures. This was a kit from Sarissa Precision and proved to be a swine to put together. You do get some nicely detailed pieces and a plan. Sadly the pieces provided do not all match the plan, the roof is too small and one piece was missing altogether. Not sure I would buy from them again!

Finally North Star announced they would be releasing their very tempting new fantasy rules 'Oathmark' a little early which led to me getting my 28mm Oathmark Goblin Wolf Riders out to paint (as well as ordering the rules of course). I really enjoyed painting these. There had been some criticism on-line of the plastic wolves on how smooth parts of them seemed. I overcame this by painting on liquid putty, brushing in the direction that the fur should fall. I also added a few fur effects when painting. This gives me a unit of 5 plus a commander on wolf too. 

I wonder what I will paint next? More Oathmark goblins, more 15mm Persians, 10mm dwarves, 15mm WW2 or...?


  1. Nice, field them all in the same army

  2. That could be fun! I think the tanks may win!

  3. Sting like a bee?
    Seriously, very nice work sir. Have you contacted Sarrissa about the faults in the tank?

  4. The Sarissa thing was a ruined cottage, I just had to make it a little more ruined than they perhaps intended!


28mm Macedonian Progress.

  With no game this week due to me being full of cough and cold I took the time to finish off basing a unit of 28mm Macedonian Cavalry that ...