Saturday, February 1, 2020

'To the Strongest' army finished

I am happy/relieved to report that I have now completed my 130 point Post Roman British army for the 'To the Strongest' competition later this month. There has been a concentrated effort to get this finished and the basing will allow the figures to be used in a variety of games as well as TTS. Hopefully soon these guys will take the field in a game of Dux Bellorum and can also be used in the Dark Age Variant of Lion Rampant, using counters to record casualties. 
I have only ever played in one tournament before, having 3 very enjoyable games but one nightmare game against a super uber-competitive player which has put me off entering any more tournaments for about 10 years. I am assured that the TTS tournaments are enjoyable and relaxed days of gaming.  

 Tomorrow is the Vapnartak show where I hope to get a box of the the Gripping Beast Late Roman Light Cavalry to add more units to this army. I also intend to pick up lots more 15mm Ancients, a few more Greeks and a whole Macedonian army as well as having a a good browse . 


  1. Good to hear Martin, I look forward to seeing them. I have plenty left to paint but that will do for now.

  2. Great stuff, love late Romans!


  3. Thanks Matt, love the Late Romans too, I now have some of the light cavalry after seeing yours.


The Battle of Hedgeley Moor, 1464.

  There were three of us gaming today, pooling our figures to play the Battle of Hedgeley Moor scenario from the new 'Hail Caesar' W...