Tuesday, March 11, 2025

General D'Armee v2, Battle for the Crossroads.

 As we are still getting used to the rules we kept today's game quite small, just a few brigades per side. The scenario was also kept simple; a battle for a centrally placed crossroads. Ian took control of the French and Charlie and I were commanding the British. 

British on the left, French to the right. The crossroads is easily seen in the centre. 

Charlie positioned the British artillery on the central hill, overlooking the crossroads. He spent most of the battle firing on the French artillery to great effect. 

A steady advance from Charlie's Infantry Brigade. 

Ian's French cavalry prepare to attack, supported by some horse artillery.

Ian also tried to advance his infantry but they often became 'Hesitant'. 
Sadly for Ian he was bedevilled all game by poor command and equally poor dice throws. 

The view from behind the British foot artillery. 

Charlie using 'tasking' on his skirmishers. 

The French lancers come charging into the British Hussars. Much to my surprise, the Hussars won causing the whole French cavalry brigade to withdraw leaving that whole flank open.  

On the other flank the French Line Infantry charge the British line, fail and become unformed so the British charged in. This fight was still on going when Ian's other Infantry Battalion had to withdraw. This led to a comfortable victory for the British who had also advanced onto the crossroads thus improving the victory conditions. 
We still had our heads buried in the rulebook for large parts of this game but this has hopefully taught us a lot about many aspects of the rules. We play again next week . 

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General D'Armee v2, Battle for the Crossroads.

  As we are still getting used to the rules we kept today's game quite small, just a few brigades per side. The scenario was also kept s...