Ian and I met this week for another game of Hail Caesar using our Irregular Miniatures 6mm Biblical armies. With Ian taking on the role of King Shutruk the First of the Elamites I opposed him as King Suppliluliuma of the Hittite Empire. At 500 points each it was quite a large game and a quick dice throw decided that Ian had outscouted me. We then used a dice rule from General de Brigade v2 where I placed dice where my divisions were to deploy including one dummy. Ian chose well, his scouts spotting my main chariot division and that my extreme left was empty of troops.
Tuesday, May 28, 2024
Another 6mm Biblical battle using Hail Caesar.
Tuesday, May 21, 2024
The Battle of Michmash, 6mm biblicals.
After a couple of weeks holiday it was back to wargaming today and back to Hail Caesar in biblical times. A recent issue of Wargames Soldiers and Strategy was a Chariot Wars special and one of the battle covered the Battle of Michmash. Now we don't have the armies of Israel or the Philistines so we adapted the scenerio to suit our armies.
Thus Nigel in his new role as Nigelath Alespic, King of the Assyrians led his army down onto the plain below his camp to do battle with King Ianhep Ratep and his Elamite army with a few Hittite allies led by Instu Shushinart (me).
It was a good scenario but we had to be careful that it didn't deem too loaded against Nigel. With roughly equal armies but most of the special events usually being bad news for Nigel.
The Battle of Hedgeley Moor, 1464.
There were three of us gaming today, pooling our figures to play the Battle of Hedgeley Moor scenario from the new 'Hail Caesar' W...
Our first game of 2024 was another try at 'Never Mind the Matchlocks' using our slowly growing range of 15mm English Civil War figur...
This week we tried a small game of a new set of rules specifically aimed at the Norman Conquest era in Britain called 'On Bloody Groun...
Andy Callan, the author of 'Never Mind the Billhooks' was asking for volunteer's to play test an ECW version of the rules (...