Wednesday, April 26, 2023

More Bolt Action in the desert.

 For this weeks game we opted for a scenario from the Western Desert book which was initially aimed at Italians defending against the British; for our game we switched my Afrika Korps in for the Italians. The British had 25% more troops than the Germans who were defending a fortified camp. 

I enjoyed last weeks game so much that I sent off for a desert mat (as an early birthday present). Here you can see the entrance to the German camp. 
The Panzer 111 and the Sdkfz 222 actually started the game off table.
Ian opted for a rapid advance on the entrance to the German Camp whilst hitting the German's that were manning the defences with lots of HE. 

German Pak 38 got off just one shot before being taken out by HE fire. 

Overhead shot of the British advance. The German defences were a mix of wall, sandbags and barbed wire. You can see the red 'pinned' counters on some of the Afrika Korps units caused by the British pre-game bombardment. 

My Pz 111 advanced to counter the threat of the Matilda. 

The Matilda got brewed on the Pz 111's second shot. With the Matilda gone, Ian's plan of attack floundered as he had little left to counter the Pz 111. 

A view from the rear of the Afrika Korps position as the Sdkfz 222 armoured car enters the battle. 

Ian had sent some infantry across the wire defences on my right. With the Matlida gone my vehicles chased them off. With the British attack faltering Ian started to withdraw troops to avoid getting shot.  

The Pz 111 advances through the defences towards the retreating British Infantry. 
(the rest of my photo's turned out so dark I have opted not to use them).
By the end of turn 6 the British attack had been successfully repulsed but the dice decided we should play a final seventh turn which only helped the German victory as we scored more victory points. 
Next week it it the turn of the Afrika Korps to be on the offensive!


  1. That looks fun. The terrain, and your new mat, certainly look good.

  2. Thanks, the mat may even be ironed by next weeks game.


28mm Macedonian Progress.

  With no game this week due to me being full of cough and cold I took the time to finish off basing a unit of 28mm Macedonian Cavalry that ...