Wednesday, April 19, 2023

Back to Bolt Action

 I haven't played Bolt Action for at least three years but Ian has been busy painting up some 8th army so it was time to have a game. We opted for smallish 750 point armies to make it easier to learn the rules as the others had not played before. The simple objective was to take control of the buildings in the table centre and destroy as many enemy units as you can. . 

It was time to get some of these back on the table. 

So with Ian and Nigel in charge of the 8th army and me leading the Afrika Korps we started the game. Action was slow at first as we got used to the rules but soon speeded up. 
8th army on the left, Afrika Korps on the right.

A mortar hit first turn took out the 8th army MG

Nigel's Matilda only needed one shot to reduce my armoured car to scrap metal. 

A view from behind the 8th army lines.
 The German 'buzzsaw' MG's were very effective and perhaps gave the Afrika an edge in this battle, especially against the enemy infantry.   

It took a few shots but the Pz111 finally managed to KO the Matilda.

By the end of the game (6 turns) the 8th Army only had their Rolls Royce AC left.
 With seven out of 9 units left and both buildings under their control the Afrika Korps were clear winners; first game I have won for a few weeks!

Ian and Nigel both enjoyed their first game of Bolt Action. We probably got a few things wrong but the rules give a fast moving and fun game with plenty of time for banter and laughter at each others poor dice rolls etc...
We play again next week. 

Finally, I just finished a couple of bases of 15mm Knights (PSC siocast figures) for my Hundred Years War English army. All heraldry was painted free hand. I cheated a bit on the main two banners as these were printed from a free resource on a facebook page then painted over to get a good colour match with the rest of the figure. I need to paint at least two more bases for a decent sized unit. 

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28mm Macedonian Progress.

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