Wednesday, March 2, 2022

6mm Hail Caesar, 600 points a-side.

 Another enjoyable game today with my Hittites getting revenge for their defeat by Phil's Egyptian's a few weeks ago. It was a 4 player game, each player with 300 points, 2 players per side. Phil (or Pharaoh Phil as he is now known) and Nigel had 300 points of Egyptians each, I had 300 points of Hittites and Ian led 300 points of Elamites allies.

Despite the game being a straight forward encounter battle to give us all objectives I had written some objective cards which we selected at random. Phil and Nigel had to get one unit all the way across the table and also try to raid the enemy baggage. I had to try and capture an enemy leader and Ian had to try and kill an enemy leader.  

Initial deployments, Egyptians to the left, Hittites and Elamites to the right. 

For this game I had made a couple of areas of rough terrain that we classed as impassable to chariots. The first conflict of the game saw Ian's Elamite's push the Egyptians back. 

On the right flank my Hittite Chariots had an epic battle with the Egyptian chariots which we won after 3 epic turns. It seemed like the dice gods were on my side this week. 

On the other flank Ian and Nigel had a close fight for possession of the high ground.
 (Ian had done a great job of matching his basing colours really close to those I had used). 

I had sent my Syrian Chariots (supported by Chariot runners) forward in the centre having spotted a small and hopefully weak Egyptian division. Thankfully my troops were victorious and I even managed to capture the enemy commander as per my objective card. 

Pharaoh Phil's Egyptians were broken/defeated after just 3 turns.
 The Pharaoh vacated his chair in disgust!

On the other flank Ian needed to make four saves of 5+ and this was his dice throw. 

In response Nigel had to make three saves of 5+ and the red dice are his throw. 
Proof that the dice gods were against the Egyptians. 

Nigel eventually managed to break Ian's Elamites and had to turn to face my Hittites which were racing across to meet his troops. Sadly, here we ran out of time but awarded the victory to the Hittite/Elamite alliance as we had lost far less units and actually achieved one of our objectives.
This game was great fun and we are going to play another chariot battle next week.   

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