Wednesday, January 19, 2022

Rapid Fire: The Allies advance.

 We returned to WW2 (Rapid Fire) gaming today with Ian and Nigel taking on the role of the Allies (with Ian's very nicely and newly painted American AFV's), Phil and I led the stout German defenders. The scenario was simple, could the numerically superior Allies break through the German lines in under 12 turns?  

The Germans start to dig in. 

The allies had to plot some off table artillery support before their attack commenced and they succeeded in killing a German mortar team and reducing two buildings to rubble. 

Ian's M36 tank destroyers advance supported by two Cromwell's.  

In the first two turns the Allies advanced so quickly we though the game may be over in a very short time. However, as the two sides began to spot each other and the shooting began it seemed the Germans had the upper hand. Phil's Panther took out a first Sherman and my Pz1V's took out another. The allies soon struck back with one the Cromwell tanks hitting and destroying the panther. The German's were certainly weakened by losing the Panther so early on in the game.  

The sherman's rapid advance quickly took them very close to the German lines. Then their armour and the morale proved to be very brittle as all but one of them were destroyed.

The allies tried to block the German line of fire with smoke. 

Nigel and Ian looking confident. 

A view of the allies advancing. 

M36 tank destroyers advancing through the woods.
(the yellow counter indicates light damage).  

The Pz 1V's managed to hold their flank easily outgunning the Sherman's 

The German sniper hiding in the white building only managed to take out two allied soldiers before being over whelmed. 

The Cromwell's and the tank destroyers supported each other well. 

The American M36 tank destroyers having cleared the German resistance advance rapidly to the far table edge and victory. 

It was a very enjoyable game that seemed split into two halves. The Germans held of the Allied advance on their left flank but could not stop them on the right. It took the allies 8 turns to break through and win the game. 


  1. Thanks, the WW2 collection of figures and scenery is slowly coming together now.


28mm Macedonian Progress.

  With no game this week due to me being full of cough and cold I took the time to finish off basing a unit of 28mm Macedonian Cavalry that ...