Tuesday, January 18, 2022

'Fantastic Battles' in Middle Earth

 Today I drove down to Chris's house for a Lord of the Rings themed, 10mm game of 'Fantastic Battles'. We are really enjoying this ruleset and are collecting (and rebasing) armies in three different scales  (6mm, 10mm and 15mm). Chris as host came up with the scenario which was basically early war, 3rd Age, trying to take out each others leader figures to rob the enemy forces of some of their main leader figures. This is how the board looked after deployment and mishaps.

The ruined tower on the hill soon became a major pain for my cavalry as they tried to manoeuvre around it. Chris's warg's on the far side also got entangled with the hut at the top as it got in the way of them riding my rangers down. 

The mishaps pushed units forwards on both sides on my right flank and my Ithilian Rangers on the top left also rushed out of the safety of the woods for some strange reason. It took me turns to get them back into the woods only for them to be charged by some warg riders. 

My elf cavalry raiders with bows were quite useful at shooting the enemy and later, charging the trolls in the flank. The Elf knights slowly made their way forward, led by Elrond. Some enemy warg riders with bows hurt the knights badly before the elves were able to charge and destroy them. Sadly we destroyed ourselves in the process. 

In the centre Chris's trolls came charging into my elf spearmen who laughed in the face of danger and skewered the trolls on their long spears over the next two turns, helped by the elf raiders.  

Turns 4 and 5 were a huge scrum of a melee in the centre. The last photo shows what was left after turn 5. With Elrond defeated just off photo (top right) the Men of Gondor have killed the ringwraith on the left and the Orc Warlord in the centre. Both forces also reached over half casualties after the effects of loss of resolve had been worked out along the line. Thus both forces withdrew and the game ended in a very enjoyable draw.  What a great game!
We are experimenting with our armylists each game, trying to create our version of Middle Earth. We are nearly there but need to play a few more games to try out more traits and spells etc...
Driving home I was trying to decide whether to paint more dwarves or start on my Rohan force? 


  1. Great fun indeed. Really starting to get the feel of battles in Middle Earth.
    I need to decide what to paint next as well.

  2. Still pondering which 10mm to paint next but the games are certainly fun.


28mm Macedonian Progress.

  With no game this week due to me being full of cough and cold I took the time to finish off basing a unit of 28mm Macedonian Cavalry that ...