Monday, November 22, 2021

SITC-a bit of progress.

 I am keeping myself busy with so many painting projects that I have only really made a tentative start on my build for the second SITC. I am keeping my target small and achievable yet it will hopefully be very useful in many fantasy games. The aim is to create a dwarven house built with a Viking flavour that will hopefully suit my Oathmark Dwarves. I did do a quick concept sketch but I seem to have lost that but essentially I want to create a sort of Dark Age 'A' frame thatched house with a bit of Nordic 'Dwavishness'. I have already changed my mind on a few aspects of the build but here are the basic pieces I have made so far. 

The front piece is the one with the door and the blank piece a central support and you can see the base I cut today with the position of the house drawn on. 

Here the house end pieces are glued onto the base with a central chimney stack created from xps foam. Next I added the sides made from card and will later cover them with a piece of old towel to create a thatch effect. 
I put a couple of my Oathmark Dwarves in this photo to check the scale, seems OK? I have also started to 'theme' the building with added dwarf detail. I also have an idea that I will play around with once the thatch is on that I have pinched from the 'Viking' TV series-which is why the base is so wide. I will eventually need another couple of buildings to make a small dwarf settlement. 

Finally, I have also started (because I need more projects!!!!) on a 15mm Dark Age project (or Early Medieval as they seem to call it nowadays?). Here are my first few Vikings...

These lovely little chaps are 'Forged in Battle' figures and eventually there will be Anglo-Danes and Normans too; mainly aimed at use with Hail Caesar but also Fantastic Battles with the addition of a few trolls and Frost Giants. 



  1. Good to see some Dwarf goodness from you. It's coming along nicely.

  2. Good stuff, and an excellent start. I'll be following the thatched roof with care (I have never tried it and will most likely copy your technique at some point ;).

  3. I'm also interested in seeing your thatching technique.

  4. Using an old piece of towel as thatching is something I have seen done by others, this is my first try. Will post an update of my further progress soon.


28mm Macedonian Progress.

  With no game this week due to me being full of cough and cold I took the time to finish off basing a unit of 28mm Macedonian Cavalry that ...