Saturday, November 13, 2021

Latest painting projects

 If anyone ever needed proof of my butterfly approach to wargaming here it is; my latest batches of completed painting. First up I have finished a second unit of 15mm British Napoleonics (Essex Miniatures). Essex produce a really nice range of sturdy yet well detailed figures and I am really pleased with how well they are painting up. Based for 'General D'Armee' rules. 

One of my targets at the start of this year was to expand my range of 15mm WW2 British and once I finally got round to painting these they did not take too long and they just about double in size my British force. It was also good therapy to quickly drybrush a couple of tanks in between all that detail on the Napoleonics. I have enough British and Germans done now to put on a decent sized game of either Bolt Action or Rapid Fire in 15mm. 

Last project was to quickly rebase some 10mm Copplestone Fantasy figures to suit the Fantastic Battles rules. We have a game of these rules planned for this coming week and we needed more bad guys, so here they are (about their 3rd rebase at least!). Fantastic Battles is a great set of rules and i will be expanding several armies for these rules. 

I also made some 28mm archer stakes for my Never Mind the Billhooks force and I am not that far away from completing my first unit of 15mm Vikings (photo's soon). 15mm Dark Ages is going to be a big project that will keep me happily painting for years. Finally I have made a tentative start on a dwarvish house in 28mm for the current 'Second International Townscape Challenge'- more details soon when I have made better progress.  


  1. You have been a busy boy. Well done.
    I'm looking forward to the game, and to seeing what you do with your dwarf build

  2. Cheers MisterC, looking forward to our game.


28mm Macedonian Progress.

  With no game this week due to me being full of cough and cold I took the time to finish off basing a unit of 28mm Macedonian Cavalry that ...