Wednesday, June 2, 2021

The Battle of Thuin (15mm General D'Armee).

 Howard very kindly hosted a 4 player game of 15mm General D'Armee, devising the scenario and providing all the figures (and drinks on a roasting hot day!). The scenario was detailed as below...

Engagement at Thuin (very fictional)

Napoleon had already sown the seeds of doubt in Wellington’s mind that he could make a dash on Brussels via Mons, as well as or instead of, a direct assault through Charleroi. He decided to reinforce the idea by sending a small diversionary force to cross the Sambre, east of Thuin. Napoleon had a suspicion that spies in Paris, including Fouche, may have tipped off Wellington as to his true intentions. Therefore this small divisional strength army would also divert much needed allied reinforcements form marching to Quatre Bras.

French Mission

To cross the river with at least 2 brigades and remain there till the end of turn 10 for a complete victory.

British Mission

To prevent the French establishing a bridge head at the end of turn 10 on the northern side of the Sambre.

With Howard acting as the Umpire, Ian took control of the French, with the help of Phil when he arrived. I was in charge of the British defending the bridge with new brigades arriving in support on set turns. 

Howard setting the scenario up, note the pegs holding the cloth in place. 

The view from the French side as they start to advance. 

The General D'Armee Command system is both very clever and also very frustrating if things do not go your way. It's use of ADC's to help decide your course of action seems very 'in period' to me. 
  Here you can see Ian getting some troops across the bridge. 

But my Royal Horse Artillery arrived just in time to send them packing back over the bridge. 
We actually managed all 10 turns, the French had not managed to get a Brigade over the bridge as required but had badly mauled my British. We decided it was probably a winning draw for the Brits.
Great fun and we soon all picked up the basics of the rules which we have decided are very much our Napoleonic rules of choice.  Many thanks to Howard for hosting. 
Next up; Wars of the Roses in 28mm using 'Never Mind the Billhooks' rules in a couple of weeks. 


  1. Sounds like you all had fun. How well did it work playing outside with weather etc?

  2. It was very hot at times and Howard needed to peg his grass mat to the board. We also has to put resin buildings on top of polystyrene hills.


28mm Macedonian Progress.

  With no game this week due to me being full of cough and cold I took the time to finish off basing a unit of 28mm Macedonian Cavalry that ...