Wednesday, June 23, 2021

6mm Pike and Shotte

Wednesday's seem to becoming a regular gaming day for we SAD wargamers. For todays game we opted to use our 6mm ECW figures using Warlords Black Powder variant, Pike and Shotte. I selected forces from the 'To Kill a KIng' supplement, loosely based on the Battle of Brentford scenario. I tweaked the forces a little to make them roughly equal and simplified the terrain as this would be our first game using these rules. 
My 6mm ECW forces were painted back around the early 1990's and are all from the Irregular Miniatures range. They have not been out of their box for some years now so it was good to get them onto the table. 
Phil and Howard took control of the Royalists under Prince Rupert and they had more horse than the Parliamentarians and a couple of level 9 command figures. Ian and I led the Roundheads who were stronger in Pike and Shotte units. 
We were so busy having fun I forgot to take many photos and 6mm figures do not photograph well using a camera phone. The photo above shows the scene from just behind the Parliament lines.  Both sides had advanced towards the centre leading to a firefight. 
This photo shows strength of the Royalist Horse as they swung round onto the Parliamentarian flank. The Royalists also got the upper hand in the centre fending of the charge of Ian's foote. This meant that as we ran out of time (too much tea, cake and chat) it seemed obvious that the field belonged to the Royalists. 
All great fun and we intend to play again next week in an all day battle and choosing an even bigger scenario. 



28mm Macedonian Progress.

  With no game this week due to me being full of cough and cold I took the time to finish off basing a unit of 28mm Macedonian Cavalry that ...