Tuesday, April 27, 2021

10mm Imperial Romans and Ancient British finished- for now!

 One of my main aims for this year has been to actually get a few projects completed to a standard where I can (if need be) provide both sides plus some appropriate pieces of scenery aside from trees and hills of which I have plenty. I am delighted to have recently reached that stage for my 10mm Imperial Romans and Ancient British; based for rules such as 'To the Strongest', 'Impetus', 'Sword and Spear' and 'Hail Caesar'. I do have a few Roman units left to paint (another day) but none for the Ancient British. 

Most of the figures are either Pendraken plus some Magister Militum but there are a few Gripping Beast and Irregular Miniatures if you look carefully. The bulk of these were purchased at the York Show, Vapnartak over 15 years ago.

First photo shows the Romans, including all six cohorts of Legionaries; and yes, I like my Legionaries red. 

Roman Auxiliary troops, the Pendraken ones at the back are in close formation, the more recently painted Gripping Beast Auxiliaries are in loose formation. 

Gripping Beast Auxiliary Cavalry on the left, Pendraken on the right. 

Ancient British Chariots

Baggage element, Irregular Miniature carts.

Whole army shot of the Ancient British.

240x 10mm warband.

Pendraken have actually redesigned their range of Imperial Romans and Ancient British, the new range being absolutely superb sculpts. I don't really need any more but I will probably get some at some point knowing me just because they are so good. Anyone tempted to start 10mm Romans and Britons go buy Pendraken.  


  1. That's a lot of little Romans (and friends).
    Very good painting, and an impressive sight en mass

  2. Thanks, this collection now fills 3x really useful boxes.

  3. Thanks Martin, need to get some games in with them now.


28mm Macedonian Progress.

  With no game this week due to me being full of cough and cold I took the time to finish off basing a unit of 28mm Macedonian Cavalry that ...