Saturday, February 29, 2020


I had a great game of 15mm To The Strongest v mate Pete today. His Persians were invading Sparta and what a close game it proved to be. My strong right flank (as it should be in a Greek army) bulldozed its way through his Mercenary hoplites. Sadly, this left my weaker left flank to the mercy of all his cavalry and although it took them some time, they eventually broke through and this cost me the game...with 2 of my units only one step away from his unguarded camp and unable to pull the right cards to move and bag his last victory points/medals. Much wailing and lamenting was heard all the way home.

I was so busy enjoying the game I forgot to take any more photo's after deployment.

Wednesday, February 26, 2020

To the Strongest Competition and a bit of LOTR.

Well that has been a busy week of gaming. First, four of us from the Old Guard gaming club travelled down to Oxford to compete in the To the Strongest World Championships 2020! Taking my recently completed Romano British army with me, the comp consists of a round robin of 4 games.
First game I was up against a local chap called Dillon and his Swiss Pike blocks. The special rules allowed  the Swiss to out scout me and with a good run of cards he was in my face and bulldozing his way through my army before I even had a chance to move. I was crushed 11-2! You can see how quickly Dillon got his pike blocks into action in the photo's. 

Game 2 I was drawn against Steve from our club and his Picts. Possibly because this was an historically matched game it proved to be very close. I took the early lead but Steve fought back and nearly beat me but just could not get my final victory medal and I managed to flank charge one of his spear units and destroy it and the attached general to snatch victory from the very jaws of defeat (11-10).

The above photo shows the competition in full swing. 

My next game was a truly international one I was paired against Alex from Belgium and his Italian-Norman army. Alex wanted to use the terrain deployment rules and I soon saw why as he managed to position his camp on a hill he placed on his base line, fully fortified and guarded by spearmen-I chose to ignore it! In the game, his Norman knights and their lances soon punched holes in my less well armoured line and despite scoring several hits on him I couldn't break any of his main units and got thumped again (11-1)
My last game was against another of the Belgian lads, Kurt and his Republican Romans. I got so engrossed in trying to wound his 5+ save Legionaries that I forgot to take photo's and mostly failed to wound any of his troops as he thumped me 11-0 in very quick time. 
Apparently I managed 25th place out of 36 but left feeling a little deflated despite having enjoyed the day. Where I had created a balanced army typical of a period of history I am interested in, I felt the other guys had created tournament armies with super tough saves that I just could not deal with. However, I do feel I have improved my understanding of how the rules work.
The other guys fared a little better than me with Pete in 6th, John in 8th (both 2 wins and 2 losses) and Steve in 20th (1 win and 3 defeats). It was a very well organised competition played in a friendly manner; we all drove home planning new units and new armies. 

Today, Chris came up for a game of the Lord of the Rings Strategy game.  The scenario made us place 6 counters randomly across the board, one of which would be a hobbit in hiding. Whoever found the hobbit had to escort him safely, in one piece across our own baseline. Chris was commanding the evil forces of Mordor and I was leading the valiant Galdhrim. 

Both forces spread themselves across the board searching for the hidden hobbit. The cunning halfling proved to be hidden in the central ruined tower and the orcs soon got their filthy mits on him. Much clambering over ruined walls, shooting and fighting followed in a really close, exciting game. Sadly the forces of Mordor managed to wear down my elves and grab a victory even though they were rather battered themselves. A great game that ran just like a chapter of a novel. 

Tuesday, February 18, 2020

10mm Ancient British

I am really pleased to have completed another army. This time it is 130 points of 10mm Ancient British for 'To the Strongest' although they can also be used for many other rulesets such as Impetus and Sword and Spear. The figures are mainly Pendraken and Magister Militum with a few Irregular Miniatures, especially the baggage wagons. 
 True to my 'wargames butterfly' style of painting and collecting these little chaps have taken me a few years to complete. I do have a few more units to add to these but I can do this at leisure now. 
 In the middle section are the command bases and the single based heroes you need for TTS.
 The mass look of 12 bases of warriors looks quite impressive. 

 The baggage camp below has wagons from Irregular Miniatures and a few spare warrior figures from Pendraken and Magister Militum. 
You can view my 10mm Imperial Romans to battle against the Ancient British at the following link...

Sunday, February 9, 2020

Dux Bellorum

Stig and I had a great game of Dux Bellorum today. I hadn't played these rules since helping to playtest them years ago. We both found the rules easy to pick up, quick to play yet quite tactical. We have both recently been painting 28mm Dark Age armies, Stig has been painting Picts and myself Romano British so these were the two armies that faced each other. It proved to be a close game with the Picts just grabbing the victory. It was a game that left us both wanting to play more.


Saturday, February 1, 2020

'To the Strongest' army finished

I am happy/relieved to report that I have now completed my 130 point Post Roman British army for the 'To the Strongest' competition later this month. There has been a concentrated effort to get this finished and the basing will allow the figures to be used in a variety of games as well as TTS. Hopefully soon these guys will take the field in a game of Dux Bellorum and can also be used in the Dark Age Variant of Lion Rampant, using counters to record casualties. 
I have only ever played in one tournament before, having 3 very enjoyable games but one nightmare game against a super uber-competitive player which has put me off entering any more tournaments for about 10 years. I am assured that the TTS tournaments are enjoyable and relaxed days of gaming.  

 Tomorrow is the Vapnartak show where I hope to get a box of the the Gripping Beast Late Roman Light Cavalry to add more units to this army. I also intend to pick up lots more 15mm Ancients, a few more Greeks and a whole Macedonian army as well as having a a good browse . 

28mm Macedonian Progress.

  With no game this week due to me being full of cough and cold I took the time to finish off basing a unit of 28mm Macedonian Cavalry that ...