Wednesday, January 1, 2020

New Year, New Plans

Well 2019 proved to be a busy and fruitful year for wargaming. Many figures were painted and many games were played. Alongside the planned 10mm and 15mm ancients painting plus the 15mm 'Kings of War'  'Herd and Goblin armies, 28mm Napoleonics etc...; 28mm Bolt Action in the Western Desert sprang unplanned onto the painting table (thanks Stig!). 
A quick glance at the current state of my desk shows 28mm Sub Roman British and Saxon Mercenaries as I try to get an army  finished for the 'To the Strongest' competition at the end of February. Also on there are some 10mm Dark Elves for James' very worthy club/charity project-these should be completed soon. You may also spot some 28mm halflings and a goblin drum from Reaper Bones, all hints at plans for 2020.

A quick glance further along the desk reveals the box of projects 'to be returned to soon' as the hobby often leads me astray. In this box are some 10mm Early Imperial Romans and Ancients British, 15mm Goblin Chariots and 15mm Greeks and Persians.

Santa (in the guise of my lovely wife) was very kind this year, buying me the expensive but much longed for boxed set of 5th edition Dungeons and Dragons and I treated myself to the new edition of the GW Lord of the Rings Strategy Battle Game, both hints for future plans.
So, my plans for 2020 are...

Complete the 10mm Roman and British armies, about 5 units to paint and a Roman watch tower. 
Complete the 15mm Goblin army ready for a mini campaign against Chris's Ogres, hopefully starting later this month. I will then move onto 15mm Elves.
Continue with the 15mm Ancient Greeks and Persians, hopefully expanding into Alexandrian Macedonians (should I mention the large order I have just placed with Museum Miniatures due to their January sale-to be picked up at the York show). Plus finish a few more pieces of scenery, buildings etc... 
28mm Fantasy will hopefully feature in many games this year so I will try to paint many single based figures useable with D+D, LOTR SBG and Dragon Rampant, and I may even persuade myself to start a new 28mm KOW army later in the year and create some 28mm fantasy scenery of course. 
28mm Ancients, mainly Sub Roman British and Early Saxons to begin with. These are based for TTS, but in a way that I can also play Lion Rampant and Dux Bellorum as well. I also have one more building to paint and may tart up my 28mm stockade, made many years ago. 

So that lot should keep me busy, and then, being a total wargames butterfly...what other projects will tempt me along the way? Do I hear the call of 15mm Biblicals or be lured by 28mm Medievals...of course I will!


  1. yep that should keep you busy!

  2. Yup, plenty to do, that is why wargaming is such a great hobby. I am always, painting, modelling, reading etc... if not actually gaming.

  3. I enjoyed meeting your Herd and Goblins last year. Looking forward to seeing what you get up to in 2020


28mm Macedonian Progress.

  With no game this week due to me being full of cough and cold I took the time to finish off basing a unit of 28mm Macedonian Cavalry that ...