Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Ice Elves v Undead (15mm Fantastic Battles in the snowy wastes north of the Wylde).

 It was just Ian and I playing today so we opted for a game of Fantastic Battles, one of our favourite sets of rules. It was quite a large 1500 pts a side battle with my Ice Elves or Fey commanded by Crasterlon Ice-Heart taking on Ian's Undead led by the infamous Krugrand Hymax. I should have guessed that Ian had been busy tweaking his list, chopping and changing traits to give me some unpleasant surprises. 

Over the last few months I have slowly added some snowy trees and hills to my snowy terrain collection and now a I have painted up a snow clad long house, a Fey Longhouse as in the photo above. I may need to add some white paint to my snow texture on the house? It was great to get the snowy scenery on the gaming table. 

Deployment, before mishaps, all neat and tidy.
Mishaps caused units on both sides to lose resolve and other units to surge forward or retreat backwards. Perhaps the most disruption mishaps have caused in our games. 

The undead hydra spent the whole game 'impetuous just wandering up and down Ian's right flank to no great effect. 

My Tiger riders and their Captain, 'Raglethan, the bringer of Sorrows' wonder why so many of their friends are wandering forward out of control. 

The undead look on in glee.

The rest of the Fey Ice Elves advance.
We both rolled for 'Objectives' and both rolled 'Iconoclasm' so we spent the first couple of turns
racing for the tokens, my Fey won 2v1 and both sides enjoyed removing some of the resolve lost during 'mishaps'. 
Drabula, the undead rogue with his pesky Jagged x-bow of pain (Phoenix Bow) was caught by my wolf pack and the two spent the next three turns in melee until the wolves finally managed to throw a six. 

We were quickly into melee and the rat powered undead chariots got the better of my snow trolls. 

The tiger riders supported by the yeti won the fight against Esmerelda the giant undead cow and her undead dragon friend. 
Sadly, elsewhere and not recorded in any photo's the Undead were slowly and surely gaining the upperhand. With our gaming time running out Ian managed to kill my magelord and destroy several companies and a captain in turn 5 compared to the captain and about 4 companies of undead the Fey killed. We called it a solid Undead victory with them destroying 437pts of Fey including MageLord Crasterlon Iceheart compared to the 293pts of undead destroyed during the battle. Ian fully deserved the victory with his good use of magic and prophecy dice. Ian twice saved captains by using prophecy dice to alter my dice good throws. 
I need to think about increasing my number of captains and magicians (on the painting table already) and a few of my units need their stats and traits tweaking. 
Perhaps Crasterlon will rise again, but as a Fey or an undead!


  1. Great to see FB being played again.
    Some lovely armies there, and I like the sense of narrative that you give the batreps.
    Looking forward to the Return of the Magelord

  2. FB is such an enjoyable game that it helps drive the narrative as our enthusiasm is fueled.


28mm Macedonian Progress.

  With no game this week due to me being full of cough and cold I took the time to finish off basing a unit of 28mm Macedonian Cavalry that ...