Tuesday, February 6, 2024

More 15mm ECW

 We had another 15mm ECW game using the Warlord Games Epic Pike and Shotte rules today.  I set up a more open table, using less scenery than last week to hopefully allow us to get more units into battle in our 650pts per side game. Once again, it was a straight forward encounter battle. A quick set of dice throws decided that Ian was on the northern edge as the Royalists and Nigel and I were the Parliamentarians facing him. Ian also had to start the deployment, his dice throwing was poor and this seemed to set the tone for him for the rest of the game. 

Royalist deploy on the left, Parliamentarians to the right. 

The Royalist deployment. 

The Parliamentarian deployment. 

Ian sent his dragoon's forward quickly, trying to get on our flank. 

Ian also advanced his central infantry Battalia, leaving one unit behind as that had been disordered by canon fire and could not advance. His other infantry failed the order so did not advance in support. 

The Parliamentarians who outnumbered the advancing Royalists shot one enemy unit to pieces, destroying it and placing the rest of the Royalist foot in trouble. 

Nigel sent the Royalist cavalry off on a flanker. The front unit are his newly painted Ironside's, bound to come to a bad end as all such units do.

Another Royalist Infantry unit is destroyed by intense Parliamentarian musketry 
(and Ian's very poor Break Test dice rolls).

Nigel's Ironside's, led by Cromwell himself charge Ian's Cuirassier's, Ian couldn't even score a hit  on the Ironside's who swept the Cuirassier's away. Cromwell's bonus rules in melee really helped here.

Nigel's cavalry sweep round to threaten the Royalist flank.

The Royalists are in serious trouble now and start to withdraw with their central infantry Battalia broken 

As the battle ends the remaining Royalists cower in the corner, one of the quickest games we have ever had. Ian's luck with the dice was dreadful and really affected the outcome of the game but we still had fun, these are a good, quick playing set of rules.  


28mm Macedonian Progress.

  With no game this week due to me being full of cough and cold I took the time to finish off basing a unit of 28mm Macedonian Cavalry that ...