Thursday, November 23, 2023

28mm War and Conquest: Normans v Patrician Romans.

 Wargaming friend George invited me over to his house today for another game of 'War and Conquest'. Since our last game I had re-thought my Norman list and also painted quite a few new figures to add into my new or enlarged units. George opted to use his Patrician Roman army which is composed of some units that would prove to be quite testing to my Normans. 

George's Patrician Roman deployment.

Norman deployment, not sure I was too happy with this? 

Overview of the table from behind Norman lines. 

My Norman Milites advance on my left, covered by my Peuri Light Cavalry.

Roman horse archers supported by Germanic allied cavalry sweep forward to meet the Norman cavalry. The horse archers and their ability to shoot then flee before re-grouping the following turn was a difficult tactic to counter other than by charging them (and being lucky in catching them). 

The Norman Peuri light cavalry just before they were defeated by those pesky horse archers. 

The infantry in the centre start to close upon each other. 
It didn't end well for my Norman's. 

The Norman's on the right try to use their superior firepower to good effect. 

The Germanic cavalry didn't like it 'up em' and were defeated in melee by the Norman Knights. 

My other unit of Knight's surprised both George and me by defeating a large unit of warband. My dice throwing was very good in this round of play. 
At this point in the game my cavalry success on the left flank gave the Normans hope. 

But...George's Roman infantry quickly overpowered my weaker units of Liberi Spearmen and their Stipendarri allies and my centre was in real trouble. 

Although my cavalry had caused mayhem on the left, in the middle and on the right George's infantry slowly forced the Normans back in melee after melee and after seven game turns I conceded the game. 

This was an excellent game where at one point I felt I had a real chance of a win only for the fortunes of war to completely turn the game in George's favour for what was eventually a convincing win for him.
Does this mean I need to re-design my Norman list again? 


  1. A very good game and I had a fright for a time, thankfully I got the Germans back, a lot going on and hard decisions to make. Great stuff.

  2. Always great to see two nicely painted beating each other up


28mm Macedonian Progress.

  With no game this week due to me being full of cough and cold I took the time to finish off basing a unit of 28mm Macedonian Cavalry that ...