Tuesday, July 18, 2023

20mm Bolt Action: Fight for the Farm

 Today Nigel had kindly invited us over for a game of Bolt Action using his excellent selection of 20mm figures and scenery. He had devised a scenario based on the Fight for the Farm scenario in the most recent issue of 'Wargames Soldiers and Strategy'. Ian and Nigel had played through this scenario last week but we replayed it today with a few tweaks to the sides to make the objective of capturing the farm more achievable for the British. 

Ian took control of the Germans whilst Nigel and I were attacking as the British. 

We sent my platoons of British quickly forward on the North side.

Nigel's platoons facing the open ground in front of the farmhouse did a more cautious approach. Our plans to lay down smoke to help cover our advance did not work very well.  

Ian's Germans advance rapidly towards the farmhouse. The dice to the right showing 'Ambush' indicate his hidden units waiting to take a pop at our Brits.  

German Command move into the farmhouse. 

The British take the buildings towards the north, hoping to fire upon the Germans in the main farmhouse. 

Nigel prepares to advance his platoons. 

Ian moves some German troops towards the buildings the British had occupied.  

The large blob of cotton wool shows how good our laying down of a smoke screen was; we kept messing up the dice throw to allow Ian to re-position most of the smoke. Here he has placed it right in front of my troops in the house, blocking them from firing.  

I forgot to take more photo's as we eventually moved towards the main farm and our number of troops firing started to take their toll on the Germans. We had also switched from firing smoke to attacking the farm with our mortars. Last turn of the game saw the remaining few Germans start to withdraw resulting in a victory for the British as they took the farm. 
This was a really good scenario resulting in a fun and closely fought game. 
We think we will play another scenario next week. 

Finally a couple of photo's of work recently finished. A 15mm Belgian Farmhouse for our Napoleonic games and the start of re-basing some 28mm Vikings now that the Normans are complete. This may take some time to get a whole army done. 

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