Tuesday, June 6, 2023

Trying General De Brigade in 15mm

 Having played a 25mm game of General de Brigade over the Christmas period with Nigel's old Minifigs/Hinchliffe collection we have since been painting up British, French and Prussians in 15mm. Although we do not have quite enough figures for a full game just yet we thought we would have a practise game. No scenario as such, just line em up and play through the rules. 

Some of my British troops getting ready for the battle. 

So there were 5 players this week as we welcomed Charlie back for a game and James for his first game with us. Charlie and I were in control of the British leaving Nigel, Ian and James controlling the French troops. 

The table from the British side. 

The game from the French deployment zone.

James advancing his cavalry forced a British unit into square. 

Ian's freshly painted French Light infantry about to 'Falter'. 

The 7th Hussars trying to charge Ian's Light Infantry cause both units to 'Falter'. 
The French Light Infantry then failed their Morale and were dispersed. 

The game fell a bit flat as despite three of us having read the rules ready for the game the command, control and orders part of the rules caused the whole game to 'Falter'. We managed several turns but the going was slow due to constantly having to look things up. Firing and the one melee we did worked out reasonably quickly but the whole game just left us feeling a bit flat. 
Verdict: These rules may be a bit over complex for us but we may give them another go at some point. 

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