Tuesday, May 16, 2023

More 15mm Hundred Years War

 Switching to play on Tuesday this week, Ian and Nigel were in command of the French once more, trying to wrest back some land from my English force during the Hundred Years War in a standard set piece battle. Using the usual Hail Caesar rules with armylists that we are slowly developing I had to deploy one of my divisions first, then Ian and Nigel and so on in that order until all divisions were deployed. It was around 330 points per side. 

French (Ian and Nigel) on the left, my English force is on the right.

Turn 2 and my first blunder as a whole infantry division withdrew from their defensive position.
(see their stakes at the top of the photo). 

Still turn 2 and my second blunder as the Earl of York and his cavalry force also withdraws, almost off the table edge.

Happily the Duke soon got his troops back under control. 

The French commander (riding an large ox) gets the peasants to clear away my skirmishing longbow. 

One almighty cavalry clash. The French won which then proved a real danger as they then swung around on my left flank... 

...and here they come...

...smashing into my poor longbowmen who got soundly beaten having failed to inflict and hits with their closing fire. 

There was also lots happening in the centre and the right flank but I don't seem to have any photo's. Poor Nigel was having very bad luck with his order throws (not that I minded too much)  and also got his troops tangled up with a small area of marsh/rough terrain. I managed to defeat and break one of his divisions but slowly the French closed in on my troops centre and left and broke my centre division leaving me with just one unbroken division left. 
So, a French victory but a hard fought game and great fun.  

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