Wednesday, November 30, 2022

The Bones of St Alkelda - Another game of Billhooks

 The Bones of St Alkelda

With all the recent conflict tensions are running high. The Earl of Lawkland has decided to remove the sacred bones of St Alkelda from the local church to the safety of his Hall. The Yorkist forces, further strengthened by the Mercenary Lord of Westhouse have decided to steal the relics for themselves. (For this scenario I have shamelessly borrowed a few ideas from the scenarios in the rule book). 

The table is set up with the Lancastrian forces deployed up to 9” in along the road close to the southern edge of the table and the Yorkists up to 9” in on the opposite table edge. The Lancastrian's have 3 wagons only one of which contains the bones of St Alkelda. The wagons start at the eastern/right edge of the road and must leave by the western/left edge. Each wagon is moved on the Lancastrian Skirmish card, moving at the same rate as infantry (6”). If any wagons are captured by the Yorkists throw a d6, on a 1,2 this is the wagon with the bones, if it is the third wagon to be caught it will automatically be the one containing St Alkelda's bones.

(To capture a wagon the enemy just need to move into uncontested contact with a wagon). If the Yorkists can capture the relic (uncontested) they win the game, if the relic is moved off the western/left road edge, the Lancastrian's win but the Yorkists have the larger force.

Yorkists 240 points and 6 leaders

Lancastrians 189 pts and 4 leaders

It was great to have Charlie along for his first game with the SaD Wargamers and also to see his large collection of Billhooks figures (over 460 points worth). It was Charlie who took on the role of the Mercenary Lord of Westerhouse with his units of Pike and Handgunners. 

The Lancastrians, commanded by Phil and myself deployed first, placing the 3 wagons on the extreme east/right and they had to get across and off the table on the far west/left.  We tried to position troops to hold off attacks from across the board. 

The forces deployed for battle. You can just see the wagons at the top right on the road. 

The early action was on the Lancastrian left, where, initially, things went well for the troops guarding the Bones. The Yorkists light cavalry were soon seen off with a round of archery. 

Phil was not surprised when his artillery blew up on it's first shot. 

My Lancastrian Light Cavalry tried to break through a solo unit of archers and lived to regret the idea. 

The Mercenary forces under the Lord of Westerhouse advance. 

The Lancastrians gave the Mercenary forces a warm welcome. Eventually though superior numbers forced the battle and the Lancastrians started to lose not just units but they also lost two of their four leaders. 

Ian's Yorkist forces quickly advance in the centre to take advantage of the chaos in the Lancastrian line. 

Whilst Nigel sends his Yorkists wide on the far left to try and block the road. 

Boom, the other Lancastrian artillery blows up. 

Yorkist Mercenary Pike about to beat up my Lancastrian bill. 
(Note to self: paint up some Pikemen soon, they hit hard!).

Phil hastily sends Sir James of Catteral Hall to protect the west/right flank from the Yorkist advance.  

Leading to a large clash on the left with Phil's infantry block being attacked from the front and rear, it was only going to end one way. With just 6 turns played the Yorkists had won the battle but the wagons were close to exiting the table. Twice the Lancastrian skirmish card was the last card in the pack meaning the wagons did not move on those turns, this was going to be a costly turn of events. Nigel was able to turn his surviving units around and claim the wagons, the first two he searched did not contain the bones leading to a last vital turn...whose card would be played was Nigel's and the final wagon was searched and the bones of St Alkelda were claimed for the Yorkists. 

This proved to be a very enjoyable game with both sides being close to achieving their objective. The wagons were just 6 inches, one move away from escaping the board. All players agree that the random nature of unit activation using the cards is a great mechanic as you can never be sure who will get to go first at any point in the game.   

Wednesday, November 23, 2022

First game of Billhooks Delux.

 So for our first game of the newly updated Never Mind the Billhooks rules, 'Never Mind the Billhooks Deluxe' we continued our series of imaginary local battles with the Battle of Austwick. 

The Battle of Austwick.

Following their recent heavy defeat the local Yorkist command sent for help to the Earl of Threshfield. Quickly assembling (his newly painted) forces the Earl (Nigel) force marched his troops from Wharfedale over into Ribblesdale and onto the small hamlet of Austwick. Here, in the fields just outside Austwick the two sides would clash once again but would all the different factions arrive in time for the battle?

Each side must divide their forces up into their different wards and then throw a d6 to see if each ward has arrived on time. Any Ward that throws a 1 or a 2 may not deploy ready for turn 1. On the second turn they must dice again and if they throw a 1 they fail to arrive for the start of turn 2. On turn 3, any Wards yet to deploy arrive on the relevant table edge and their leader cards are shuffled into the PlayDeck.

Below is my Lancastrian force, the Yorkist's led by the Earl of Threshfield (Nigel) were split between Nigel and Ian. The dice decided that Lady Jayne Stackhouse (Yorkist) and Sir James of Catterall (Lancastrian) were both delayed but did arrive for the start of turn two, otherwise, all other Wards deployed as usual. 


Earl of Lawkland (mtd). Class 3 Hero/ldr

Sir Henry Kettlesbeck (foot). Class 2 Commander.ldr (+5pts)

Sir James of Catteral Hall. Class 2 Commander. Ldr (+5pts)

Sir Harry Stainforth Class 1, Dolt (+5pts)





Melee D6



Mtd Knight





Save is 3+ in melee

Light Horse





Save is 3+ in melee

1x Men-at-Arms






Save is 4+ if hit by x-bow or handgun

3x Bill





3x Archers

Inc one Veteran unit






May shoot twice a turn.

Hit, 5+ at short, 6 at long

Skirmishers Bow






Hit 5+

2x Gun + 3 crew






Crew x 2 when shooting, hit on a 6, all hits kill.

Three or more 1's and gun blows up.



Turn 1, the armies deploy in a set piece battle just outside Austwick. 

The Lancastrian light cavalry enjoyed the Manouevre phase by catching the Yorkist skirmishers as they tried to hide in the woods.

However, the other unit of Yorkist Skirmishers were a real nuisance on my left flank. 

A steady advance by the Lancastrian forces on the left, although the Light cavalry had regrouped to escape being shot to pieces.

My skirmishers occupied the woods on the right and were quite effective against the Yorkist foot. 

The massed longbows of the Earl of Threshfield's centre. 

The Earl of Threshfield hides behind his rulebook as the Lancastrian light cavalry come raiding again. 

The Bonus deck had quite an impact on today's game. 

Using the Forfeit card on the Yorkist foot allowing my Light Cavalry to charge into them. 

Sir James of Catteral Hall (Lancastrian) finally gets his artillery into action. 

Sneaky Yorkist foot lure the Earl of Lawkland and his knights into charging into a ditch. 
Nigel and Ian found this 'Special Event Card' particularly amusing. 

With the game finally balanced one of the Lancastrian artillery pieces blew up. did the other one with the very next dice throw, Nigel and Ian also found this to be very amusing. A few short and bloody rounds of melee later and the Lancastrian forces lost their last Morale token whilst the Yorkists still had one left, thus a very narrow victory to the Yorkists (Nigel's new troops escaping the curse of the newly painted figures). This was a really close game that we all enjoyed. Another game is planned for next week so that my Lancastrians can get their revenge.  

Comparing this game using the new rulebook with our previous games we all agree that the new Deluxe Billhooks tidies the rules up and makes it a slicker game. The new rulebook is a beautifully produced piece of work that certainly improves the game and is a joy to read. 

Thursday, November 17, 2022

Never Mind the Billhooks in my new wargames den.

 With me now using my daughter's old bedroom as my wargames den and the new edition of 'Never Mind the Billhooks' due out very soon it seemed good sense to refresh our Billhooks memories. 160 points of Lancastrians and Yorkist's per side would face off over control of an important crossroads. 

My Lancastrians parade around the cross-roads pre-game. 
The Lancastrians would once again be led by the famed Earl of Lawkland. Yes, our imaginary nobles are all named after local halls and villages. Here is my 160 points worth... 


Earl of Lawkland (mtd). Class 3 Hero/ldr

Sir Henry Kettlesbeck (foot). Class 2 Commander.ldr (+5pts)

Sir James of Catteral Hall. Class 2 Commander. Ldr (+5pts)

Sir Harry Stainforth Class 1, Dolt (+5pts)





Melee D6



Mtd Knight





Save is 3+ in melee

Light Horse





Save is 3+ in melee

1x Men-at-Arms

Veteran +3 pts





Save is 4+ if hit by x-bow or handgun

3x Bill





3x Archers






May shoot twice a turn.

Hit, 5+ at short, 6 at long

Skirmishers Bow






Hit 5+

2x Gun + 3 crew






Crew x 2 when shooting, hit on a 6, all hits kill.

Three or more 1's and gun blows up.



So with Phil helping out me out with the Lancastrian's Ian took control of 160 points worth of Yorkists led by the Duke of Eldroth. As we deployed the game looked great, but I started to think I may have put too much scenery down-the problem being I have made it, so I want to use it. 
Lancastrians on the right, Yorkists to the left. 

A great start for Sir Henry Kettlebeck (Lancastrian) as his cannon blew up in the first action of the game. 

Sir John Litton and his Yorkist troops jeer the exploding cannon. 

Of course, it couldn't happen twice in the same turn thought Phil just before he (Sir James of Catteral Hall) had his cannon explode too. Not the best of start for the Lancastrians. 

Ian sent his Leper Knights (standing in as Yorkists knights) zooming around the Lancastrian left flank with our brave light cavalry opting to evade. You may be able to spot Phil's skirmish archers in the wood who were then able to shoot a few of the Knights so Ian pulled his knights back. From this point onwards everything seemed to go the Lancastrian way

The Earl of Lawkland (Lancastrian) held to his own base line and was not troubled all game. 

In the centre Ian got his Yorkist archers in a strong position, wisely we opted not to go anywhere near them. Some of them then chose to run away as some of Ians/Yorksist Men at Arms and Billmen lost the central melee (which somehow escaped the photographer) and were routed. 

On our right this clash about to happen which went our way (the Yorkists were in Disarray) was the final melee of the game. The Lancastrian did not lose a single Morale token despite many units being badly mauled. 

Phil's skirmishers chase off the Leper Knights with some great dice throwing/archery.  These skirmishers were definitely the 'Men of the Match'. 

This was a cracking game to christen my new gaming den with and seemed much closer than the resulting loss or not of Morale Tokens would seem to indicate. The terrain did slow down a few units sending them into disarray so our next game will have more open terrain. It was so much fun we intend to play again next week. We were a bit rusty on a few areas of the rules but another good read through before the next game should put us right. 

Wednesday, November 9, 2022

Orcs against Gnomes, Imps and Elves in Fantastic Battles (15mm).


Orcs against Gnomes and Elves

A 1200 point game of Fantastic Battles.

Orc warlord Ba’arn Dor having defeated the Gnomes and Imps was pushing deeper into Gnome/Imp territory. This took the Orcs closer to the Elven borders. It was no surprise then that as the Gnomes fell back with the Orcs in wild pursuit, the Elves surged forth from their woodland realm. With the various forces hastily drawing up their battle lines, battle was soon to be joined.

To represent the hastily assembled forces deployment will be randomised by drawing counters from a bag as is usually done in the action phase. Each player needs to allocate a counter to each character and any units they may be leading. As counters are drawn from the bag players must deploy characters and their units. Once all characters and units are deployed roll for mishaps as usual.

So deployment was fun with one treeman rushing forward, my elf skirmish cavalry going backwards but best for us was poor Phil lost a company of Orc Boar riders to disease, this proved to be quite important when that unit got into combat later in the game. 

The Wood Elf skirmishers took up a good position on the edge of the woods on the right flank. 

Two units of Orc Boar riders, tough units with Fierce Charge but one is now weakened.  

Ian's forces of  Dingly Dell was a mainly flying force, fast and agile. 

Maisie the Dragon proved very effective  in melee. 

Phil's Orcs on our left flank, quite strong but we chose to ignore these units with the Imps distracting them with a giant eagle to chase. 

The start of what turned into a multi-unit melee right in the centre of the board. Here Ian used the blink spell very effectively to foil some of Phil's moves. Phil was also having one of those days when his dice did not like him. 

The main battle seen from the Orcs side. 

Several units all in one big melee. The elves and the gnomes/imps slowly got the better of it due to some very good dice throwing and those nimble flyers being able to get in on the enemy flanks. 

Elf light troops battle Orc archers in the woods on the right. 

My elf sorceress was very useful with her 'empower' spell. 

One of Ian's Gnome/Imp dice throws, needing 5+ to inflict damage. The dice really seemed to favour us today (how come my own dice were so good today and so poor last week).  

The Orc archers scattered my skirmishing elves (our only losses) but were then straight into battle with my light cavalry. 

Phil's Orc captain with a Phoenix Bow had been chasing the gnome captain (hiding behind the tree) all game but could never quite get him. 

Elf losses at the front, orc losses behind, a clear win for the forces of good today. 

The table centre once all those orcs had been scattered. 
A very interesting game today where a smaller but faster force of Elves, Gnomes and Imps were able to refuse one flank and concentrate on destroying the Orc centre thus winning the game. Great fun. 

Now for a change of rules...when good friend Chris popped up for a game recently he got me interested in Kings of War again. Mantic have published a 'red' copy of v3 of the rules (v3.5?) which seems to correct some of the army list changes I had not liked. The new book also collects all the rules and all the army lists in one book-much better than having rules followed by amendments etc.... Hopefully we shall enjoy this version of the rules and stick with it. Mantic do seem to have a habit of changing their rules more often than some folk change their underwear! 

So, suitably inspired it was on with painting some 28mm elves. Not too long ago I purchased a set of Mantic's Silver Breeze Elf Cavalry and had assembled 3 of them, quite possibly some of the worst figures I have ever had to assemble. I know the aesthetic of Mantic's elves is to be skinny but (for example) trying to get the hands glued onto the end of tiny wrists was a real pain. (the last few Mantic figures I have had have all been poor quality models really discouraging me from getting anymore) By contrast I had some of the Oathmark Light Elves which are so quick and easy to assemble and anatomically far more accurate. I think the Mantic elves may get sold on when I can find/create/kitbash better cavalry models. It would be nice if the Oathmark Elf Cavalry came out soon. Having enjoyed Fantastic Battles so much it will be interesting to see what I make of Kings of War which we certainly all used to enjoy. 

Anyhow, here are the two units, I have painted so far, useable as Elves or Sylvan Kin. Note how I have chamfered the base edges to hopefully create a less regular, rougher more rustic look?   

I had fun with the cloaks. 

15mm General D'Armee.

  A couple of weeks back Ian and Nigel had their first game of General D'Armee v2 for a while (I was ill with a cold at the time). Today...