Wednesday, February 2, 2022

6mm Chariots and a few more 15mm Vikings.

It was a journey back into biblical times for this weeks game of Hail Caesar; this time with our newly painted 6mm armies from Irregular Miniatures. These little strips of figures are not to everyone's taste but once painted and based they look pretty good on the gaming table. 

The Hittites march to war!

For the game we used the Oasis scenario from the 'Age of Bronze' Hail Caesar supplement swapping my Hittites in for the Hyksos. The objectives were the Hittite's need to get a chariot model off the Egyptian table edge (all Hittite chariots are carrying a vital message which must be delivered), the Egyptians of course whish to prevent this from happening. There was also a fight for possession of the oasis. 
Phil took command of his Egyptians aided by Nigel whilst Ian and I controlled the Hittites. Looking at the armies opposing each other I was a bit worried that the Hittites might be over powered by the Egyptian firepower as they had so many more units with missiles.
Opposed  dice throws decided that the Hittites had command of the oasis at the start of the game. We decided to advance quickly and hit the Egyptian's hard early on. 

A run of poor Leadership throws led to Ian and Nigel sat starting at each other on the left flank,  exchanging missile fire at distance. 

Good view of the middle and left flank of the battle. Ian's chariots made light work of Nigel's camel riders (Arab mercenary troops). 

On the right flank my Hittite chariots charged into battle as quick as they could. After a couple of turns it was looking like a fairly prompt Hittite victory. You can see from all the casualty markers and yellow shaken counters how desperate a fight this developed into with the Egyptians eventually coming out the victors and my broken chariot division had to withdraw. 

Another view of the desperate chariot battle. 

Ian did manage to race across the board with one of his chariots and get the vital message off the board but he was hotly pursued by the Egyptians who just failed to catch him. 
Despite the Hittites holding the oasis for virtually all the game the Egyptians used their superior firepower (as feared) to drive the Hittites back and eventually break them. This meant that the Egyptians gained control of the oasis after a very close and fierce fight. However, with the Hittites getting their message off board perhaps they should gain some new allies next game? Perhaps my Hittites should be treated to some bow armed units? 

I have also managed to add a few bases of archers to my slowly growing 15mm Viking army, over 100 figures painted since November. Only another 100 to go!



  1. I have fond memories of collecting various 6mm Irregular armies.

  2. As I say, they do paint up well and am tempted to collect a few more.


The Battle of Hedgeley Moor, 1464.

  There were three of us gaming today, pooling our figures to play the Battle of Hedgeley Moor scenario from the new 'Hail Caesar' W...