Sunday, May 23, 2021

Wargames Allsorts

 True to my wargaming butterfly nature I have completed a mixed bag of painting recently. First up,  I return to the 'Wars of the Roses' with a unit of 28mm Burgundian Handgunners, plastic figures from Perry Miniatures. Lovely figures to paint and I am hopeful of a game of 'Never Mind the Billhooks' very soon. More Wars of the Roses figures are currently being assembled. 

I also finally got round to painting the first few bases for my 15mm Macedonian army. It was only when I started to clean up the pikemen that I discovered that they were wearing trousers which really makes them more suitable for a later army of Alexander if not even the Successor's. These are Museum Miniatures original sculpts and I used transfers from VVV for the shields. The Cretan Archers are from their new Z range, lovely figures to paint. I also made a small pond or spring for my ancient battlefields. 

Next, inspired by the recent games of 'Galactic Heroes' with Chris, I speedily made and painted some of the new Stargrave miniatures which Chris and his son kindly gave me. These are easy to build and are ideal for GH. I made just enough for a crew.  


  1. those 15mm look really good and the Wars of the Roses miniatures. such a great part of history.
    those Stargrave minitures are gonna be awesome for Galactic Heroes, debating if i wanna do 28mm though for FFoL.

  2. Thanks for the kind comments. I think for the small number of figures you need for FFoL 28mm will look best but 20mm and 15mm will work just fine.

  3. All very good, I really like your Stargrave stuff. I do think 28mm is the scale for GH, maybe 20mm or 15mm for Bigger Battles?


28mm Macedonian Progress.

  With no game this week due to me being full of cough and cold I took the time to finish off basing a unit of 28mm Macedonian Cavalry that ...