Having moved house back to the Settle area last summer it has taken some time to be able to meet up with many of my old pals due to covid and lockdown. A couple of weeks ago I finally met up with Ian, Howard and Phil for a few drinks (well actually a few drinks too many) and by the end of the night the Settle and District (SaD) Wargamers were formed. We used to game together in our late twenties, early thirties; we are somewhat older now! Our first game was planned, 15mm Napoleonics using the General d'Armee rules in early June.
Move forward to today and Howard invited me round for a quick trial game of General d'Armee so that we could try the rules out prior to our 4 player game next week. Oh the joy of being retired so that you can just pop round for a game at a moments notice. We were using Howards very splendid collection of 15/18mm Napoleonics. The entire collection comprises of AB and Battle Honours figures, both cracking ranges of figures despite the size difference. The idea was that as the British, I had to hold the line and prevent Howards more numerous French from breaking through...whilst actually learning the rules.