Friday, December 18, 2020

Never Mind the Billhooks.

 I think it was back in September that I got my free copy of 'Never Mind the Billhooks' (NMtB) rules from Wargames Illustrated. The rules are very period specific for the Wars of the Roses which has always been a period of interest for me. Opting for a Lancastrian force of around the early 1460's I started with a single box of the Perry Miniatures Wars of the Roses infantry. I have since added many more boxed sets and metal figures, all from Perry's. A basic 100 point force was soon drawn up and now in mid December that basic force is painted and ready for Battle-very quick work for me (despite several other gaming distractions along the way).  

Most of the scenery in the photo's is scratch built (the white house is a resin model from 'Conflix' that I have repainted). The hedges and fields were made many years ago but are ideal for this period I think. (I also need a better camera!)  

My 100 points of Lancastrians is as follows...
Commander: Sir Henry Percy
Leader: Sir John Clifford @5pts
Leader: Sir Andrew Trollope @5pts
12x veteran billmen @ 15pts
12x longbow @ 12pts
12x billmen @12pts
12x longbow @12pts
12x billmen @12pts
6x longbow skirmishers @ 6pts
1x artillery and 3 crew @ 9pts
8x light horse @12 pts. 

There will of course be many more units to follow, hand gunners, men-at-Arms, both on foot and mounted, Retinue for Somerset etc... I also need to add some Retinue archers to Trollope's command (the guys in green). I also plan to make casualty markers and add wagons etc.. My flags and Banners are either those that come free with the Perry Miniatures boxed sets or from Vexillia/Freezywater Flags. By the way, I went with multi basing to allow me to use the army with other rules sets such as 'Impetus' and 'To the Strongest' as well as NMtB. 
For now, I would just like to get a game in but I doubt that will happen anytime soon so as usual, several gaming projects beckon. 



  1. Those look great. I'm dazzled by your painting speed.
    The set up with the village is fun too.

  2. Thanks Mister C. I think retirement is the main reason my painting has speeded up.


28mm Macedonian Progress.

  With no game this week due to me being full of cough and cold I took the time to finish off basing a unit of 28mm Macedonian Cavalry that ...