Wednesday, July 8, 2020

Richard 1st and a few more new units.

Life had been a bit busy recently as we are moving house next week. Thus I have been packing figures in boxes rather than painting them. However, I am looking forward to the move as I will have a room to have a wargames table set up 99% of the time. So, looking forward to having more gaming space I have managed to complete more Third Crusade figures in 15mm. Most of these are 'Gladiator Games' Crusades figures from the excellent 'Fighting 15's' company. First up is a Richard 1st command stand having a chat with a Saracen commander. I also finished re-painting and basing a few more palm trees. 
I also got a few more units finished, including the first unit of Saracen spearmen. 
Add to that some Crusader archers and a unit of dismounted knights. The knights were completed just this morning and have not had their bases textured yet as my basing stuff is all packed away. 

This means I only need paint a unit of Crusader spearmen and I will have completed the basic army for the suggested scenario in the Soldiers of God rulebook. I need to send off for these which I will do so soon adding lots of Saracen troops to the order to complete their basic army for the starter scenario too. 
I recently bought a few 'Hovels' 15mm desert dwellings, excellent resin models and these will be painted up once we are settled in the new house. I also need to make an orchard and a few pieces of rough ground and even a marsh for the desert!

The Battle of Hedgeley Moor, 1464.

  There were three of us gaming today, pooling our figures to play the Battle of Hedgeley Moor scenario from the new 'Hail Caesar' W...