I managed to get a few light cavalry painted up ready for this weeks game.
Tuesday, August 29, 2023
28mm Dark Ages trying War and Conquest.
Tuesday, August 22, 2023
15mm Soldiers of Napoleon trial game.
We recently bought a set of the 'Soldiers of Napoleon' rulebook and cards as part of our quest for a good set of Napoleonic rules for our club/group games. Today we set up a few brigades on each side and played through a few turns to see what we thought of the rules.
Tuesday, August 15, 2023
Two games of Napoleonics with two different sets of rules.
Happily I have played two games over the last few days. First up Howard invited me over to his house for a game of General D'Armee (GdA). Howard set up a scenario where my British were on the defensive and had to hold onto Le Haye Saint for 8 turns (or 5pm if that came sooner) and he had to try and capture it. Although the French as attacker had more Brigades we both had re-enforcements hopefully arriving soon.
Tuesday, August 8, 2023
15mm Valour and Fortitude
So we had a second game of the free Napoleonic rule set 'Valour and Fortitude' today. To prepare for the game I had been busy painting up some new stuff, light dragoons, a rocket team and a few command bases as I was a little short on them. Both Ian and Nigel had painted a few new units as well.
Tuesday, August 1, 2023
28mm 'On Bloody Ground' and a quick bit of 15mm 'Valour and Fortitude'.
First up a few photo's of the most recently re-based 28mm Dark Age figures. Re-basing also means having to paint a few new figures to help make up units but I am really enjoying getting my rather haphazard collection into some form of fighting shape.
The recently published rules ‘On Bloody Ground’ for wargaming in the 1066 period have recently motivated me to (at long last) rebase my 28mm Dark Age (or Early Medieval) figures. I have mainly Normans with just a few of units of Vikings and Anglo Danes and I am well on my way with all the rebasing so it is time to get some of them on the table.
Inspired by a recent visit to Lancaster Museum and their small display about Lancaster in Norman times I did a bit more research and came up with the a few extra interesting snippets and names plus some gaming ideas.
Lancaster, known as Loncastre back in Norman times was granted to Roger de Poitou in 1069 after the ‘Harrying of the North’. He was also granted lands around the Craven area where my gaming friends and I live (and we always enjoy games inspired by the real history of our home). Roger found Craven a difficult area to subjugate due to the isolated nature of it’s settlements spread amongst the hills and dales. Granting the land to Roger de Poitou had deposed Bo, the Lord of Craven who was probably not too happy about that. Another Norman Lord, Robert de Romille was granted lands around Skipton at the same time.
Using these few facts led me to come up with the following scenario idea. For our history 're-imagined' game, and limited by a largely Norman collection of figures I set up the scenario with Bo, the deposed Lord of Craven seeking an alliance with Robert de Romille asking for his help to rebel against Roger de Poitou. In return Bo would ask to be re-instated as Lord of Craven but as a vassal lord to Robert.
Bo, (who I am imagining as an Anglo-Dane so I can use my recently rebased units of Vikings) raised the local forces in rebellion and also hired some mercenary Irish freebooters (friend Ian’s contribution to the game). Robert de Romille came to fight alongside Bo with a small part of his Norman retinue. Hearing of the rebellion Roger de Poitou gathered his forces and hurried over to the Craven area, coming across the rebel forces in the valley close to the Saxon church of St Alekelda in Ghigleswic (modern Giggleswick).
The forces of Robert de Romille |
The forces of Roger de Poitou |
1x Duke: Robert de Romille 1x unit of Mounted Milites 1x unit of Liberi Spearmen 1x unit of Crossbow Armed Serjeants 1x unit of Coloni skirmishers with bow
1x Hersir: Lord Bo of Craven 1x unit of Viking Hirdmen 1x unit of Thrall skirmishers with bows 1x unit of Scots-Irish mercenaries 1x unit of Mounted Scouts |
1x Duke: Roger de Poitou 1x Count: Count Wido 2x units of Mounted Milites 1x unit of Liberi Spearmen 1x unit of Stipendarii Mercenaries 1x unit of Liberi Archers 1x unit of skirmishing Serjeants with crossbow 1x unit of Pueri Light Cavalry |
My Hussars getting taught a lesson by French Heavy Dragoons and my infantry facing a French grand battery.
Old School Goblin Goodies
With a game against my friend Chris coming up next week I felt it was time to add a few more figures to my goblin army. We have settled on...

This week we tried a small game of a new set of rules specifically aimed at the Norman Conquest era in Britain called 'On Bloody Groun...
Our first game of 2024 was another try at 'Never Mind the Matchlocks' using our slowly growing range of 15mm English Civil War figur...
Andy Callan, the author of 'Never Mind the Billhooks' was asking for volunteer's to play test an ECW version of the rules (...