During February I painted a whole range of figures in assorted scales. First up I added a few bases/companies to my 10mm armies for Fantastic Battles.
I also managed to get a few more bases of 15mm ancients painted. The Spartans are Museum Miniatures from their original range not the new 'Z' range. The Assyrians I acquired from Chris are Essex Miniatures to be used as levy infantry for my Persians-these are the first Essex miniatures I have painted in many years but I really enjoyed painting them. With about 60 bases/units completed I shall leave the Greeks and Persians for now.
Time for a solo game of Fantastic Battles putting most of my 10mm Elves and Barbarians to good use.
Fantastic Battles: The Battle of Skalik Water
Elf Force
Elf Warlord: Lord Athramael of the line of Guthelin.
Elf Magic User: Leofryn (Leaf) Spells: Bless, Lvl 1, Entangle Lvl 2.
Elf Captain: Emyn Lockharn, he who can shoot a wren through the eye at 100 paces.
Elf Rogue: Iruath Greycloak: follower of the silent way (Shadowy Cloak of Stealth).
1x company of Unicorns
2x companies of Elf Knights
2x companies of Mtd Raiders
4x companies of Spears
2x companies of Elf Archers
2x companies of Wood Elves
2x companies of wood Elf Archers
1x company Elf Ballistae
Total = 796 pts
Barbarian Force
Warlord: Bodvoc the Bold of C'Nos, the War Crow. (Lions Roar Talisman)
Magic-User: Yrfog of the Cave. Spells: Curse Lvl 1, Magic Missile Lvl 2.
Captain: Talorcan of Dunuik
Rogue: Black Cornaith (Winged Boots of Alacrity)
1x company of Buffalo Riders
2x companies of Mtd Raiders
2x companies of Outriders
6x companies of Warriors
1x company of Berserkers
2x companies of Scouts
1x Mammoth
1x Giant, Droth of a hundred battles.
Total = 798 pts
This is a basic encounter battle with a simple twist. Place a small lake in the exact centre of the table. This represents Skalik Water, a place of mystical power, often mist shrouded. At the start of each turn throw 1xd6.
12= The lake is clear
34= no change (Lake will remain clear or shrouded as per last turn)
56= The Lake is shrouded in mist and blocks all line of sight. When covered in mist Lake Skalik's mystical aura allows any Magic-User casting a spell within 2bw of any lake Edge to re-throw any dice that score a 1. (Don't forget that the mist also blocks line of sight!)
So as the mist formed across Skalik Water at the start of turn 3 fate decided that a random event happened. This proved to be a Troll Hoard which the dice decided was located upon the shores of the lake. Sadly all characters were too heavily involved in the battle action and were not able to take advantage of this yet. The large melee on the left flank resulted in the unicorns and mounted raiders being scattered. On the right, the Elf Knights easily destroyed the Barbarian Outriders and Lord Athramael slew Talorcan in a personal challenge (playing solo I wanted to see how this played out).
Impetuous actions at the start of turn 5 prompted the Elf Mounted Raiders to foolishly charge the Barbarian Warriors on the right flank-they got hammered leaving that side open to a Barbarian advance. On the left flank the Elf spears could just reach the side of the Barbarian Warriors that were busy fighting the Wood Elves. This was enough to cause those Barbarians to scatter, Bodvoc running off with them. The only gain the Barbarians got was that their Magic User, Yrfog of the Cave went to look for the Troll Horde revealed on turn 3 and was lucky enough to find a Haughty Helm of Reassurance. However, with over 50& of their characters and their companies gone it was game over for the Barbarians leaving the Elves badly wounded but victorious.